
Whether you're looking for a fun night out or an idyllic retreat, Marquisville is a good place to spend some time. It's a quaint town located in the heart of Polk County. The city is located at latitude 42 degrees and longitude -94 degrees. The population of the town is estimated to be over 5,800 people. The median age of the residents is around 45 years of age. The city is home to a handful of notable restaurants. The food service industry in Marquisville is thriving.

There are two types of households in Marquisville: married couples and non-families. The average household size was 2.56 people. There were 1,287 households with children under the age of 18. Almost half of the households had a male householder and a female householder without a spouse. The most populous subgroup was those ages 45 to 64 years of age. There were more than one-fifth of all households in Marquisville with a single senior citizen.

The best part about Marquisville is the surprisingly low crime rate. The city has the lowest rate of violent crime in Polk County. This is attributed to the fact that the population is fairly spread out and that most Marquisville residents have a car or walk to get around. There are 205 places in 100km of Marquisville. The closest municipality is Saylorville, Iowa. The most populous city in Polk County is Des Moines, Iowa. The population of the state is estimated to be around 2 million people. The state's unemployment rate is around 3.2%, lower than the national average.

The city is also home to the largest and most impressive light rail system in Iowa. The light rail system covers Marquisville, Des Moines, and surrounding communities. The metro is also a great place to catch a concert or a theater show. The best part is that the system is free for residents. This means that if you're looking for a splurge on a fancy dinner, you don't have to pay a hefty price tag.

Marquisville, Iowa has a unique ZIP code. It's one of six unique zip codes in Polk County. The city is also home to one of the largest libraries in the county. It has a good number of parks and other green spaces. The town is also home to a stately old cemetery and a handful of notable landmarks.

Now learn about Saylorville, Iowa

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